We ARE the Church Together

Church for the sake of the worldLast week I was on retreat with pastors who serve the larger congregations in the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). This annual event is one I look forward to each year, as I get to pick the brains of colleagues who are experiencing the joys and challenges that we also experience at Epiphany. During my week away, I was once again reminded that I am not alone. I have brothers and sisters in Christ who are serving God in wonderful ways where God has called them. I was also reminded once again that WE are not alone – we have brothers and sisters across the country who are faithfully proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serving the community and the world with the resources God has given us. We are the church together.
That was a song we sang at camp for years– 
I am the church
You are the church
We are the church together
ALL who follow Jesus ALL around the world
Yes, we’re the church together!
At the gathering, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton spoke. I am thankful for her leadership and her devotion the church. This video is being shared at gatherings of synods around the country this Spring. I wanted to make sure you got to see it too.

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