
Baptism is a time of great celebration as God’s grace welcomes new members into the community of Christ. This is one of the most ancient rituals in the Christian Church and the beginning of a life following Jesus. At Epiphany we are excited to be a part of your or your child’s baptism. In baptism, we die to sin and rise to new life. We are washed clean of our sins and joined to the church. We are infused with the Holy Spirit and enabled for ministry in Christ’s name.
We offer baptism at all services at the convenience of the family desiring baptism. Baptismal candidates or their parents meet once with a pastor at the convenience of the family. For questions about baptism or to schedule, please call our Far Hills office at (937) 433-1449 to speak with a pastor.


Common Questions:


What is baptism and why should I or my child be baptized?

Baptism is the entry rite into Christian faith. It is an act instituted by God, performed using God’s word alongside water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, whereby the baptized is united with Christ. As Lutherans, we believe and teach that baptism unites us to God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, forgives our sins, and joins us to the church. As Lutherans, we believe that in baptism God is the primary actor. His Spirit calls us to the waters to repent of our sins and be washed clean and renewed. At baptism we are sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit and marked with the cross of Christ forever. All of this is God’s act of grace, none of it is earned. Baptism is the entrance rite into God’s community on earth, the church. We teach and confess that in baptism we are joined to God and to one another. (Acts 8:30-38)

Is baptism a prerequisite for taking Holy Communion?

Holy Communion in the Lutheran church is the meal of the baptized where Christ offers us his own broken body and shed blood for the forgiveness of sins. 

At what age do you baptize?

As Lutherans, we teach that baptism is appropriate at any age. Baptism marks the beginning of a life of faith which is an unearned gift that God freely gives us.  When infants are baptized, the community gathered confesses the faith on their behalf and promises to raise the child in the faith.  When adults are baptized they publically confess the faith they have received.  We teach that baptism is a good gift that we cannot deny any child of God.