Greetings from Wittenberg, Germany! The past twenty four hours have been a time of introduction and recuperation from Jet Lag! The group of Lutheran pastors from around the world (18 countries, four continents) have all arrived. With our leaders and hosts, we number 25. It has been a joy to meet colleagues from all corners of the world – in the next couple of weeks, I hope to introduce them all to you.
We stopped by the courtyard outside the home of the artist Lucas Cranach, a contemporary of Luther and instrumental in the Reformation movement. His most famous artwork can be found in the Town Church, especially the altar piece, depicting Lutheran worship – baptism, communion, confession and forgiveness, and the preaching of the Gospel. I have a print of this work in my office! We went back to the Town Church for a chance to see these paintings up close, and explained to us by a local tour guide.
Peace, Pastor Charlie