Family Connections

by Claudette Malloy

So Noah went out with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. And every animal, every creeping thing, and every bird, everything that moves on the earth, went out of the ark by families.

–Genesis 8:18-19

Thanksgiving is behind us and we now join as a church family in celebration of the Advent season. The composition of my family has changed through the years due to births and deaths, weddings and divorce, illnesses and times of good health, tears and times of rejoicing. Many of my memories of this season involve my family.

As a child, my family would go to the late Christmas Eve service where my uncle was a minister. I loved the opportunity to stay up late and eagerly waited for the time during the service I would get to hold my own candle. It would be dark in the sanctuary and slowly the light would start to glow as the candles were lit to the sounds of Silent Night.

Another childhood memory is laughter as the traditional Christmas gag gift would occur. Family laughter continues as my mother still beautifully orchestrates this tradition every year, even as the number of family members has grown.

It has been a blessing to our family to celebrate this season at Epiphany for several years. My husband and I still smile as we think of our sons wearing their bathrobes and headgear (costumes were simple then) as they portrayed shepherds in one of the children’s Christmas programs. Then as teenagers they participated in the music ministry. I loved the opportunity of sitting in the sanctuary listening to the beautiful instruments and voices of the seasonal music.

Reflecting on the scripture, I am reminded animals and humans all left Noah’s ark as families. Families are formed in many different ways; some by birth and others by choice. Let us remain mindful of the blessings of family.

Almighty God, thank You for the opportunity to celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus and to connect with others during this Advent season. Amen.
