Active Community

by Natalie Heimann


Pentecost 2016 Children's Sermon Austin7Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  Romans 15:7

Last week a member of our congregation stopped here in the office, and in the course of our conversation, asked how things were going at the Austin Campus. He was curious about the worship attendance numbers and how many visitors we have coming to the campus. Most of all, though, he was wondering what all the activity was because the parking lot was packed on an early Thursday evening!

Epiphany’s Austin Campus is a lively place. This is evident in Sunday worship. As recently as three years ago, average Sunday attendance at Austin was hovering around 55 faithful worshipers. Today, that average has grown to about 110. On the fourth Sunday of each month between services, people of all ages come together to participate in LIGHT:  Life in God, Hope for Tomorrow, during which they explore a Bible story, sing songs, and join in activities that connect us as God’s people. The number of participants more than doubled last month. This coming Sunday will be the final LIGHT class until the summer break.  Activity abounds during 10:30 a.m. contemporary worship — literally. During the children’s sermon time, the altar steps are lined from end-to-end with 20 or more kids who
enthusiastically engage with the pastors. These same children worship kids try on parents shoesenthusiastically, dancing and singing during praise songs and participating during the pastors’ sermons. About a year ago an 8:30 a.m. traditional service was added, and the small group of worshipers who attend that service has grown since that time. About 10 of the families who have joined Epiphany in the past year primarily worship at this Campus, however, many worshipers, both established and more recent members, truly embrace that Epiphany is one church with two campuses and will attend either campus. Yes, worship life at Austin is dynamic.

And as for that Thursday night in question – this time of year is definitely when activity reigns at that facility. The sand volleyball courts are bustling during the springs and summer months, with 50 or more players taking part in the Tuesday IMG_20150709_212521309and Thursday evening open volleyball times. A local volleyball club also hosts high-level league play on Mondays and Wednesdays and on the occasional weekend during the summer, the courts are filled with tournament play. On Thursday evenings, the praise team rehearses for the following Sunday’s service. A new dance-exercise class called REFIT is ramping up on Monday and Wednesday evenings and is well-attended by both Epiphany and community members. Three baseball teams and one soccer team use the Austin fields as their home fields during their seasons, and assist in field maintenance. They are gracious and appreciative and consider themselves to be part of the Epiphany family.

Sports ministry is not the only outdoor utilization of the Austin Campus, though. Last summer two Epiphany youth completed service projects by the pond, installing benches and building an outdoor altar to allow for contemplative prayer time and outdoor worship. Plans are underway to soon have a community garden space as well.

The facility is a wonderful space for Epiphany ministries to fellowship together and to welcome the community to experience relationships we have in Christ. In the coming months the Austin Campus will host the Centerville Community Chorus Concert (June 12 at 3 p.m.) as well as Chill & Grill All-
Church Cookouts (June 2, 16, 30 and July 14 and 28 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.) As part of our community outreach, we make our facilities (both Austin and Far Hills Campuses) available to local groups. Boy and Girl Scout troops use the building and grounds for meetings and IMG_20160517_205141activities outside. In addition, Epiphany members as well as community visitors have discovered that the Austin campus is a great place for celebrations. Over the next 10 weeks, we will host 16 events for graduation parties, baby showers, birthday parties and even a family reunion. Guests are effusive over how beautiful and impressive our facility, grounds and worship space are, and they say that they feel welcomed by Epiphany’s hospitality.

And really, that’s what all this activity is all about, right? Being in community with the community and with each other? In 1 Peter 4:8-11 we are called to be in unity. To be in relationship. “9Be hospitable to one another without complaining. 10Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. 11
Whoever speaks must do so as one speaking the very words of God; whoever serves must do so with the strength that God supplies, so that God may be glorified in all things through Jesus Christ. To him belong the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”
May we continue to use our facilities to reach out to our neighbors and each other and glorify God.
