Who is Your Helper?

The term “advocate” can also be translated as helper.

Who is your helper?

When I think of all the attributes for God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – helper is one that is unique. An advocate or a helper is one who stands with us, walks beside us, and assists us in the tasks at hand.

How do you define helper?

Last week, my granddaughter came for a visit. She will be five years old in a few weeks. She was my helper in more ways than one! She helped me make apple sauce. We each had our jobs – mine was peeling, washing and cutting the apples. Her job was to put the apple slices into the pot. Together, we made apple sauce.

My granddaughter also helped to remind me of important things, like the promise we made to have s’mores one night, or the promise of a ride in the wagon, just to name a few.

While I hope my granddaughter doesn’t think of herself on the same level as the Holy Spirit, there are some similarities I draw from our time together.

The Holy Spirit walks together with me in tasks of ministry. I know that the Spirit has equipped me for ministry, and together we can do great things.

The Holy Spirit is also with us to remind us of the things of which we need reminding. When he was tempted or went astray, Martin Luther needed to remind himself that he was baptized; his mantra in those times was, “But I am baptized!”

I believe the role of the church is to provide the tools to help remind you and me of God’s promises. You are forgiven. You are God’s beloved. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

How does God help you?

What reminders do you need to hear?

Come, Holy Spirit.  

John 14:25-26  


25 “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.

Photo by Khalil Yamoun on Unsplash


Let us pray: 

Fill us with your Spirit, so that we might know we walk together with you, and you with us, to help us and remind us of your great love. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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